Our Dorset Carers Collaboration – Carers Engagement in the BCP Carers Services Review

Last updated: 10 May 2024

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Lead Organisation

Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Council (BCP)

Project contact

Eliza Atyeo

BCP Carers Commissioning Officer


About ‘Our Dorset Collaboration’

The Our Dorset Carers Collaboration represents our partnership working across the ICS, and the joined up approach that underpins these projects. These projects were worked on jointly within the Dorset Carers Partnership Group (DCPG). The DCPG brings together key partners in health, social care and VCSE sectors working with carers across the Dorset-wide footprint. We come together to network, raise awareness of carer support, discuss areas of challenge, and work in collaboration for the benefit of carers on a range of projects in line with the Pan Dorset Carers Strategy priorities.

In December 2021, carers of people living in the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council area were invited to take part in a local survey as part of a review of carers services and to inform the development of the BCP Carers Strategy. The survey was developed in collaboration with Carers, councillors, and practitioners.

Carers at local coffee mornings, co-production groups and events and practitioners throughout health and social care workforces were also invited to share their views and feedback.

Carers who responded to the survey had the opportunity to volunteer to be involved in focus groups focusing on the aims of the review. The Focus groups were flexible and facilitated through a number of ways to enable access. Practitioner focus groups were also held.

The feedback obtained throughout the initial scoping, was themed and enabled the identification of 5 key priority areas. The 5 priorities of the BCP Carers Strategy are:

• Identification, recognition, and involvement

• Information and advice

• Supporting carers’ physical, mental and emotional wellbeing

• A more balanced life alongside caring

• Collaborative working across Dorset

Carers and practitioners were then asked to share their views on these priorities, which received positive results.

The priorities were also supported by the We Care Campaign. The campaign allowed us to use their video to raise awareness of carers in the local area and support promotion of our strategic vision.


Dorset Healthcare NHS University Foundation Trust, NHS Dorset, Dorset Council, carers, workforce groups, local carer support organisations

Project duration

June 2021 – September 2022

Key beneficiaries

Unpaid carers across the BCP Council area, Practitioners supporting carers, Services and organisations supporting carers, Family members or people who rely on an unpaid carer.

Our Dorset Carers Collaboration – Carers Engagement in the BCP Carers Services Review

Why we started this initiative

During the pandemic, carers felt unsupported and overwhelmed. Unable to access services they previously utilised meant many were left at a disadvantage and isolated.

Aim of the survey: gather Carers’ views on the support they receive to fulfil their caring role and to identify areas of improvement. Results will be used by Carers services/commissioners to improve service delivery/formulate BCP Carers Strategy.

A Pan Dorset Carers Strategy is in development, bringing BCP and Dorset carers strategies into one, promoting equity across the county. BCP therefore needed an updated strategic vision to reflect the evolving priorities and needs in the area.

Our goals

• To develop the strategic priorities for the BCP Carers Strategy and involve carers in service design and development.

• To improve the Carers offer and access to it across BCP.

• For the BCP Carers Strategy to support the development of the Pan Dorset Carers Strategy, bringing both BCP and Dorset Councils carers strategies into one, promoting equity across the county.

• To raise the profile of unpaid Carers.

How we’re implementing it

  • The strategic vision is implemented in partnership with carers.
  • Some services have already been reviewed/recommissioned or improved to meet the needs of local carers.
  • CRISP (Carers Resource and Information Support Programme – internal team) is due to be rebranded to the BCP Carers Support Service.
  • A Carers Strategy governance board has been developed to monitor progress.
  • An implementation plan and action plan has been developed. Involving more focus groups with carers across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole to ensure that carers are involved, and any changes being made are in line with what local carers want.

Working with carers to inform service design is crucial to understanding the depth of the support required and to identify areas in need of improvement. Fortunately, during the review, carers were supported to engage with the work in various ways in order to suit their lifestyles and availability. For future work, having more resources available to reach a wider diversity of carers would be beneficial.

Due to the challenges services faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to limit the facilitation of face-to-face focus groups. Although, we were able to reach a portion of carers and support them with in person engagement, we recognise that more face-to-face groups would have enabled us to extend our reach further for carers who may not have been willing or able to engage online or over the phone.

To understand the needs of carers who may not engage with services, having a better understanding of the different types of services available prior to the review would have enabled us to extend our reach. VCS organisations are at the heart of many communities and can support engagement. By having a better knowledge of other organisations in the area, we would have been able to hear more diverse views on the types of support required, as well as support more carers to self-identify. For future work, we are developing a stakeholder list in partnership with the DCPG to support wider engagement.

I initially thought it would be a good way to meet other carers, but it was so much more. Our knowledge of services was tested, this made it clear we were not aware of vital support lines. We then got to spend time learning about the services together. I feel more capable now.


It is so good to see some real action being taken to review the system, and the support I have had to share my views has been second to none. I feel really empowered by being involved as I feel I am helping and putting my experience to good use to benefit others.


Downloads and documents

Evidence of Impact and Data Insights – BCP Carers Strategy

BCP Carers Strategy 2022-27

BCP Carers Services Review