Our Dorset Carers Collaboration – Adult Carers Team

Last updated: 24 April 2024

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Lead Organisation

Dorset Council

Project contact

Chris Norman

Area Practice Manager, Adult Carers Team, Dorset Council


About ‘Our Dorset Collaboration’

The Our Dorset Carers Collaboration represents our partnership working across the ICS, and the joined up approach that underpins these projects. These projects were worked on jointly within the Dorset Carers Partnership Group (DCPG). The DCPG brings together key partners in health, social care and VCSE sectors working with carers across the Dorset-wide footprint. We come together to network, raise awareness of carer support, discuss areas of challenge, and work in collaboration for the benefit of carers on a range of projects in line with the Pan Dorset Carers Strategy priorities.

Dorset Council have created an internal specialist Adult Carers Team dedicated to the assessment (Care Act 2014) and support of Carers. This includes working with those who have complex and/or safeguarding concerns.

Dorset is made up of urban and rural demographics with Carers Case Workers allocated in all areas. They work in partnership with the Primary Care Network, where rural isolation is more challenging. Several public facing events have taken place in partnership with the NHS and voluntary and community sector.

The Carers Case Workers undertake assessments, lead and coordinate peer support groups which provide comprehensive advice, guidance, and professional support to those who need it most. Local and professional knowledge is used to tailor responses and support for Carers with a bespoke, individual support package.

The team works closely with the wider allied professions to ensure best outcomes for those they support and incorporate other professionals as required.

The newly appointed Area Practice Manager line manages the team driving improvement in practice and consistency and coordinates the Dorset Area Carer Provider Forum which encompasses a wide range of organisations who all support Carers. The Area Practice Manager also facilitates the Dorset Council Employee Carer Network which recognise the important contribution of our employees who are also unpaid Carers.

Project duration

This specialist team was brought together in April 2023 for a two-year period with a view if successful would be made permanent.

Key beneficiaries

Unpaid Carers in Dorset, carer employees, Dorset Council in terms of having a specialist team.

Our Dorset Carers Collaboration – Adult Carers Team

Why we started this initiative

Dorset Council engaged with and sought feedback from Carers across the Council area. From this, the need was recognised for a more robust service that really values the significant contributions that unpaid carers make providing a specialist response in respect of Statutory Carer Assessments, Reviews with information, advice and guidance. The team continues to seek feedback from Carers to ensure our plans remain in line with their views. The Area Practice Manager works collaboratively with the Pan Dorset Carers Steering Group to ensure our internal team plans mirror the wider vision for Carers in Dorset.

Our goals

  • To provide a Statutory response in respect of Carer Assessments and Reviews in particular where there is complexity or safeguarding concerns including providing information, advice and guidance to carers.
  • To provide robust strength-based and person-centred assessments that enable Carers to achieve their aspirations and live independent, fulfilling lives.
  • To work in partnership with commissioned services to identify carers in our communities and enable them to access preventative services or, via Statutory specialist team assistance depending on their needs.
  • To assist the wider Adult Social Care workforce to understand the challenges of the caring role and ensure Carers rights are upheld.

How we’re implementing it

The Adult Carers team (ACT) comprises an Operational Manager, Area Practice Manager and 9 dedicated Carers Case Workers who are embedded within their localities including in community hospital sites.

The Area Practice Manager post was created to lead the team, drive good practice, provide social work oversight and improve consistency.

The team works in partnership with Children’s Services and commissioned services. Part of the continuous improvement includes developing a transition process to ensure Young Adult Carers continue to be supported once they turn 18.

Carers tell us that having a named point of contact is important in helping them navigate the ‘system’ for the person they care for and for them as Carers. Carers want to feel valued as individuals, listened to and appreciate having ‘someone for them,’ to provide support. Being able to have someone dedicated to them who is empathetic, listens, understands and takes action.

Having a qualified Social Work practitioner managing the team and a Locality Manager as dedicated operational lead, means that the oversight of Carers work remains focused on our Care Act duties and encompasses best social work practice, including strength based and person-centred values and ethics.

Centralising the line management has increased awareness of Carers, their rights and needs, has improved practice and created some consistencies. In the second year there are further plans to remove duplication with commissioned services to create further capacity, and a focus on increasing turnover of assessments performance and specialist support to Carers.

The team link very closely with Dorset Council’s commissioning team, commissioned services from the voluntary and community sector, Health partners, and Children’s Services as well as with the wider Pan Dorset Carers Steering Group (led by a Carer with membership of Carers and professionals) who oversee the strategic Vision for Carers and drive for ongoing improvement and a consistent approach across Dorset.

Watch this video to hear Carers’ views on having an assessment

I would like to compliment X for her help and support in getting a carer’s assessment sorted for my Dad and who cares full-time for my Mum. We were nearly at crisis, with no real idea where to turn to for help and support and X has been great. We’ve only had a few dealings so far with X but she’s prompt, thorough and gets back to you swiftly. This is much appreciated as it has been a very stressful six months. I live in [………], so am unable to support my father with daily care for my Mum. Thank you, X


Downloads and documents

Evidence of Impact and Data Insights – Adult Carers Team