Diary of a CQC assessment: Stage five & six – Reflection, feedback, initial findings and discussion
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Glen Garrod is the Executive Director for Adult Care and Community Wellbeing at Lincolnshire County Council. He shares here his personal reflections on taking part in the first pilot CQC inspection of a local authority adult social care department.
Stage 5 – reflection and feedback
This stage was a moment for collective reflection (and a thank you) that I had built into the schedule at the end of the on-site week, which is entirely discretionary, but very much something I felt was right to do without really knowing if it would work to general benefit. Everyone who had taken part – irrespective of whether the role was to support behind the scenes or, being part of the interviews was invited to a lunch-time wash-up and thank you session. I see this as a distinct ‘phase’ and given the amount of time and emotional energy colleagues gave to the process I wanted to recognise that and provide an opportunity for all those who took part to share thoughts and feelings. What I was also keen to do was acknowledge the pride and passion which came through so powerfully. It was almost as if all who took part wanted to use the assessment process as ‘their moment’ to shine. I’m still reflecting on where that came from, but I have rarely had such a deep moment of genuine pride for team Lincolnshire.
Stage 6- Initial findings and discussion
The initial findings and discussion began with a feedback Teams call some two weeks after the end of the on-site week. It will be several more weeks before a draft report is sent, after which we will meet with lead inspectors to discuss their findings. Following this, there is a national moderation process. The final result, “Inadequate, Requires Improvement, Good, Outstanding” is derived from an algorithm that pulls together the individual scores from the Quality Statements. I should also mention that CQC colleagues during this phase also requested interviews with three of my lead team in seeking feedback on what they could have differently/better. This included my PA and the lead AD.