Digital support
Adult carers / Digital support
Carers Improvement Programme
Haringey Council is reviewing its overall strategy and the support offered to carers. In line with the principles set out in the ‘Haringey Deal’ a commitment the council is making to co-producing its work, they want to make sure carers have an active role in influencing and developing the new approach.
Digital support / Great practice
Digital Inclusion Project
Carers Leeds Digital Inclusion Project seeks to support carers to feel more confident in using digital support and resources. They provide personalized support to help carers achieve their digital goals.
Great practice / Adult carers
Carers Community Network
The Carers Community Network (CCN) is a unique online forum offering carers 24/7 access to peer and professional support alongside information, experience and idea sharing.
Carers strategy / Mental health support
Working together to support carers in Barnet
Barnet Council's with carers is led by Barnet Carers Centre (BCC), who led on co-production for a new strategy, as well as chairing the new partnership board.