Great practice / Campaign
Our Dorset Carers Collaboration – National campaign event coordination
The Dorset Carers Partnership Group (DCPG) aimed to bring information together in one place for carers in Dorset, connecting them to services that can support then and raising awareness of the events taking place throughout Carers Week and on Carers Rights Day.
Adult carers / All-age carers
Darlington’s Commitment to Carers Social Media Campaign
Darlington's Commitment to Carers mythbusting Social Media Campaign is being coproduced by members of Darlington's multi agency Carers' Strategy Steering Group to raise the profile of all groups of carers in Darlington, particularly those from harder to reach groups.
Identifying carers / Campaign
Building a Carer Friendly North Lincolnshire
In May 2023, North Lincolnshire Council's Carer Strategy Partners took a system-wide approach to improving the identification and recognition of Carers in North Lincolnshire. This was initiated through the “Carer Friendly North Lincolnshire” campaign which delivered a wide communications campaign to raise awareness of Carers.