Newham Carers Small Grants Programme

Last updated: 24 April 2024

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Lead Organisation

Newham Council

Project contact

Luke Smith

The Newham Carers Small Grants Programme enables Newham residents to develop or continue running local peer support groups and access the wellbeing activities that they want and need. Successful applicants receive one off funding of up to £1000 per group, per year.

The funding can be used flexibly to achieve two key outcomes for Carers;

1. To support existing groups to continue meeting and grow their membership and/or support new groups to start up.

2. Enable groups to run activities and events that will increase the wellbeing of Carers.

So far 17 grants have been awarded covering a range of activities, from day trips and group lunches, to bespoke support for bereaved Carers, and a new resident led group for Carers of people with Autism.


Newham Carers Community, Newham Carers Resident Advisory Group, Existing Resident Led Carer Support Groups in Newham

Project duration

The initiative was piloted in 2022. Funding was agreed to run the programme on an annual basis until 2030 as part of our broader approach to supporting carers in Newham by Cabinet last year.

Key beneficiaries

Carers of all ages

Newham Carers Small Grants Programme

Why we started this initiative

Newham are lucky to have an active network of resident-led Carer support groups in the borough. The Carers who access these groups told us that they really value being able to access peer support, but that many were struggling to find the resource to keep their groups running.

Carers also told us that they want to access / deliver group activities that will help them to take a break, learn and have fun together. Rather than commission an external provider to do this we wanted to empower Carers to do this themselves.

Our goals

To galvanise and sustain local peer support networks and empower carers to access/deliver group activities that will maximise their wellbeing.

How we’re implementing it

• We piloted the initiative in 2022 in direct response to Carer feedback, and built it into our ongoing support offer from 2023 onwards.

• We co-produced the application form and guidance notes to help make them as accessible as possible.

• We engaged our commissioned Carers Support service to help Carers apply for the grants if they needed it.

• We publicised the grant programme broadly.

• Successful applications were awarded the grant towards the end of 2023.

• Evaluations are due to be completed end March 2024.

So far the initiative has demonstrated that a relatively small amount of money can go a long way, both in terms of making carers feel recognised and valued, and having real impact.

Carers have been able to use the funding creatively in ways that the Local Authority or a commissioned provider may not have been able to – working with other local groups and services to make the money go further. We estimate that around the first 15 grants will benefit around 795 individual carers in the borough.

Carers have also submitted bids for activities and projects we didn’t necessarily anticipate (such as to fund specialist legal advice/training for Parent Carers) enabling us to fund activities that Carers really want and need.

We have had really positive feedback from the Carers who have accessed the grants. Tips and advice for any organisation looking to do something similar would be;

• Advertise as widely as possible to encourage new people to come forward and apply.

• Ensure that carers have access to support to help them develop their ideas and bids.

• Ensure the carers who apply are aware of exactly what’s required and clear about what data you need to collect to demonstrate the impact of the grants (i.e. register of people impacted, testimonies, photos etc).

• Make the forms/process as simple as possible.

• Be open to funding innovative or unexpected projects – Carers know best about what they need.