Carers and Financial Hardship

Last updated: 24 April 2024

On this page

Lead Organisation

West Sussex County Council

Project contact

Mark Greening | Commissioning Manager – Adults & Health, West Sussex County Council

Internal: 23758 | External: 0330 2223758 | Mobile: 07834678893

West Sussex County Council would like to share the pro-active work undertaken to help carers tackle the cost of living and financial hardship.

There has always been a cost to caring, it has been well evidenced. Some two years ago however this was one of the primary issues for many carers seeking help for the first time. This led to service developments in three areas:

– A dedicated Welfare Benefits Advice service for Carers

– A Cost of Living Toolkit for Carers

– Hardship Payments to Carers

West Sussex were unusual in that it took a bold step in bypassing Household Support Fund (HSF) directly to our trusted provider, Carer Support West Sussex, to administer funds. In year 21/22, £500k in grants were allocated to 1,702 unique carers.

95% of carers reported that the funds have helped them feel less anxious or stressed about their caring situation; and 94% said they have helped improve their health and wellbeing.

HSF for 22/23 – £700K was awarded to 1,835 carers.


Carer Support West Sussex

Project duration

Late 2021 – ongoing

Key beneficiaries

Carers facing cost of living stress

Carers and Financial Hardship

Why we started this initiative

There has always been a cost to caring, it has been well evidenced.

Some two years ago however, as a result of increases in the cost of living, this became one of the primary issues for many carers seeking help for the first time. A spike in referrals occurred and has remained at a similar level since.

Our goals

  • To help support carers in maximizing their income and the income of those they care for, by making them aware of the types of welfare benefits they can claim, the entitlement conditions and the application process for benefits.
  • To provide carers with up to date information in one place with regard to managing the cost of living.
  • To provide grants to those carers experiencing financial hardship.

How we’re implementing it

Dedicated Welfare Benefits Worker/s for Carers

A post was piloted. In the first year, over 700 carers were advised and £1,406,954 in additional annual income identified. An excellent return on investment and positive outcomes.

A Cost-of-Living Toolkit

West Sussex County Council (WSCC) worked together with partners to create a toolkit to provide information to carers in one place.

Hardship Payments to Carers

WSCC were unusual in that it took a bold step in bypassing Household Support Fund directly to a trusted provider, Carer Support West Sussex, to administer funds. In year one, £500k in grants were allocated to 1,702 unique carers.

You have called us at the right time. We were worrying about money and everything being so expensive. My children (adults) have been helping me financially and to know there is grants for me, makes me feel happy and reassured that there is something out there for people like me. Thank you for contacting us and explaining how you can help’



1. Finances and ‘making ends meet’ continue to be a significant issue for carers. Significant engagement with our carers, in the summer of 2023, highlighted this. When asked about:

  • The Top three things that would help carers overcome known challenges? And
  • The Top three things that would help carers in continuing in their caring role?

Financial assistance (e.g., benefits advice, grants) and affordability of local services (including respite) both featured in the top two responses of over 1,300 carers consulted. 60% agreed with the statement: ‘The cost of living has had a negative impact on my mental health as a carer’.

2. Carers experience Health Inequality and cost of living pressures can further affect this.

A strong theme arising from Carer Focus groups was cutting back on all non-essential spending, including spending on self-care and/or no more opportunities for social and leisure activities. The very things that promote personal wellbeing and health.

3. A Carer Benefits post/s provide an excellent return on investment and positive outcomes for carers. Finances can make the difference between a person beginning or ending their caring journey. See carer feedback in additional information section. What was an initial pilot is now business as usual.

4. A specialist Carer Benefits Adviser/s can build capacity and encourage self-help. In addition to providing one to one support advisers provide:

  • training and consultation to carer help line staff
  • toolkits and online information for carers
  • group presentations/workshops to groups of carers eg. parent carers

Your adviser was an absolute star. So helpful and helped me appeal the decision of my Mum’s attendance allowance. I had filled in the forms incorrectly and they assisted me in how to write the correct statements. They made the whole process so easy and after contacting DWP, I explained the situation and stated exactly how Adviser had explained to me how to, and the decision was overturned and awarded without having to go to mandatory Reconsideration. Adviser has no idea how grateful I am and how much knowing the carers support gives me peace of mind. I never feel alone when having to tackle situations that are completely alien to me. The service is an asset to you.


Downloads and documents

Case Examples and Carer Quotes

As well as providing 1:1 support to Carers, the Carer Benefits Service developed the resources available to carers around welfare benefits and the page linked below gives lots of information for carers and professionals and links to other sources of information.