ADASS Responds to DHSC Announcement ‘Our Plan for Patients’

Last updated: 30 June 2024

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In response to today’s announcement, ADASS President, Sarah McClinton said:

“Today’s announcement is a first step which responds to our calls for the Government to ‘provide winter funding to adult social care and the NHS in September 2022 to enable local areas to plan and prepare for an extremely challenging winter’. This will go some way to stabilising vital care and support ahead of what promises to be one of the most difficult winters that any of us have ever faced. 

“However, it risks becoming another missed opportunity if it is not quickly followed by a long-term investment plan for adult social care to reduce unmet, under met and wrongly met need. We need multi-year funding that enables us to make better longer-term decisions that increase care and support at home, prioritise recovery and reablement, uplift carers’ pay, and support unpaid carers.  The Prime Minister previously suggested £13 billion would go to social care and without a rebalancing more people will miss out on care, deteriorate and need hospital care that could have been avoided.”