Care closer to home
Care Closer to Home
Our calls to action
With these calls we hope to inspire the public and politicians to support and drive forward the changes we need to transform adult social care.
By enabling people to access care and support in their own homes and communities, it reduces the need for them to go to hospital unnecessarily.
This can be achieved by investing in good quality housing and accommodation, utilising technology to support people to live the lives they want to lead, empowering health and social care staff to work more closely together in the community and shifting funding over time from hospitals to community-based care and support.
Short-term: Investment in digital, technology and data that makes care more responsive to people
A boost for councils and other organisations investing in digital, technology and data to give people more choice, control and information about the care and support available to them, as well as personalised advice to help them plan for the future. New approaches and products are independently evaluated, data is equitably accessible across organisations including health and social care and funds are available to scale-up the best solutions.
Medium-term: Houses that help people stay independent and live well
The funding and political backing to ensure new high quality houses are built to be easily adapted, existing housing is adapted to meet peoples changing needs and that there is more choice and control for people who need different kinds of home or supported living arrangements so they can live well and get the care and support they need.
Long-term: Social care that proactively helps us all live well, for longer
Shift resources to provide early support to many more people in their homes and communities so people are empowered to maintain their
wellbeing for longer. This will enable people to live as independently as possible, for as long as possible, reducing the pressure on the NHS and delaying the point at which someone may need residential care. A high quality social care system that enables people to live the life they
want, supported by multi-disciplinary teams in their communities