Mental health support
Great practice / Mental health support
Carers Walk & Talk Project
Carers Support Centre (Bristol & South Glos) have been running walk and talk groups for carers since August 2022, which take place over 6 consecutive weeks in local green spaces, particularly in areas of multiple deprivation.
Info, advice & support / Carer breaks
Carer Break Service – A community and volunteer led approach
The carer break service in North Yorkshire was commissioned in October 2023 and is delivered by 3 lead voluntary organisations and 7 partner organisations. Rooted in a place-based approach this volunteer delivered model suits our local authority geography to support meeting the needs of carers in super rural, rural, and urban areas.
Great practice / Mental health support
Mental Health Carers Education Course
The Carers Education Course is a 6-week training course for carers of those with mental health conditions and was nominated for and won the South West Integrated Personalised Care Awards in the ‘Giving Confidence’ category.
Adult carers / Great practice
Annual Health Checks for Carers
Carers in Bedfordshire have recruited a Community Nurse to complete health checks for carers who support people with severe mental illnesses (as well as health checks for the people they care for).
Carers strategy / Mental health support
Working together to support carers in Barnet
Barnet Council's with carers is led by Barnet Carers Centre (BCC), who led on co-production for a new strategy, as well as chairing the new partnership board.
Adult carers / Young adult carers
Unpaid Carers and Domestic Abuse Project
The Unpaid Carers and Domestic Abuse Project is a multi-agency project to improve support for carers in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough who experience domestic abuse. The project has been informed by research and findings from a range of sources and information from local carer support organisations.