Identifying carers

Identifying carers / Great practice

Our Dorset Carers Collaboration – Our Dorset ICS Leaflet to Identify Carers

The aim of this initiative was to increase the number of identified Carers in Dorset by creating a leaflet with complimenting poster that was easy to understand and gave clear instructions on how unpaid carers can access support.
Great practice / Identifying carers

Our Dorset Carers Collaboration – Standardising ‘unpaid carer’ coding in Dorset’s General Practices on SystmOne

This project was initiated to standardise how unpaid carers are identified within patient record systems in Dorset primary care services (all Dorset GP Practices use SystmOne).
Adult carers / Young adult carers

Carers’ Voice: High Peak Consultation Project

In 2023, Derbyshire Carers Association carried out a consultation project to document the current experiences of carers in High Peak (Derbyshire), as well as providing 'best practice' recommendations for the future based on insight gained from the carers involved.
Great practice / Adult carers

Darlington’s Commitment to Carers Social Media Campaign

Darlington's Commitment to Carers mythbusting Social Media Campaign is being coproduced by members of Darlington's multi agency Carers' Strategy Steering Group to raise the profile of all groups of carers in Darlington, particularly those from harder to reach groups.
Great idea / Hospital support

Carers Passport

The Carers Passport is a scheme enabling carers to be recognised for their caring role. It highlights the important role that a carer plays and the wealth of knowledge they have about the person they care for, encouraging health and care professionals to utilize this knowledge. The Carers Passport also gives carers access to support, services, and other benefits.
Great practice / Adult carers

Building a Carer Friendly North Lincolnshire

In May 2023, North Lincolnshire Council's Carer Strategy Partners took a system-wide approach to improving the identification and recognition of Carers in North Lincolnshire. This was initiated through the “Carer Friendly North Lincolnshire” campaign which delivered a wide communications campaign to raise awareness of Carers.
All-age carers / Info, advice & support

Unpaid Carers and Domestic Abuse Project

The Unpaid Carers and Domestic Abuse Project is a multi-agency project to improve support for carers in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough who experience domestic abuse. The project has been informed by research and findings from a range of sources and information from local carer support organisations.