ADASS responds to Nuffield Trust report on unpaid carers

Last updated: 30 June 2024

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Responding to the latest Nuffield Trust report on unpaid carers, Cathie Williams, ADASS Chief Executive said:

“Caring for each other is a critical part of our society but sometimes the care needed is intense and carers need support themselves. Without them, so much more paid health and social care would be needed. That is why for each of the last three winters we have asked government to provide more resources to give carers breaks and to care for their own well-being to enable them to keep going.

“This will become more and more important as the numbers of older and disabled people needing support increases and as employers need more staff. That means that we will need a proper review of how we live and work and care and how we can enable carers to have rights to paid leave in the same way that there are rights to parental leave.

“For this winter, supporting carers not to get to breakdown point will be critical if our health and care services are not to collapse.”