ADASS Responds to LGSCO’s annual review of adult social care complaints

Last updated: 30 June 2024

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In response of the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman’s Review 2021-22, an ADASS spokesperson said:

“It is deeply concerning that the number of people making complaints has fallen so significantly. Whether this is because people have more complex needs, individuals and carers are exhausted, people feel less able to engage, or the impact of the Covid pandemic, it is vital that we encourage and support older people, disabled people, families and carers to express concerns. Social care transforms lives.

“Comments, compliments and complaints are essential to making care personal and improving the quality of support that people experience. We know from the most recent ADASS member surveys just how uncomfortable Directors are when they are required to enact contingency measures which limit care to those most at risk because of a shortage of funding or workforce availability. If we do not need it now any one of us could need it tomorrow – a long-term plan and investment would benefit all of us.”