Time to act: a roadmap to reform care and support in England
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Time to act: a roadmap to reform care and support in England, says that there’s a consensus on what sort of care and support system we need, but for decades no political or collective will to make it happen.
The roadmap proposes how care and support could be transformed in England, focusing on 10 key areas for change: from improving housing options for those of us who are older or disabled, tackling the chronic social care staffing issues including pay and conditions, to supporting carers and making care more affordable.
It charts what needs to be done in the next two years, what changes are needed in two to five years and longer term over the next ten years to ensure that everyone who needs care and support, can access it, whoever they are and wherever they live in England.
The report includes some examples of people trying new ways to improve care and support for people. They are a snapshot of what’s possible even in the most challenging circumstances. These are not the only ideas, there are many other examples, and we hope this Roadmap will help local and national leaders to support many more in the future.