Approved Research 2022
On this page
- Organisation
Ipsos MORI
- Project
Paying for care feasibility study
- Organisation
Newcastle University
- Department
Campus for Ageing and Vitality
- Project
Co-production of best practice recommendations for local authority reviews of double-handed homecare packages
- Organisation
University of Kent
- Project
Examining variations in front door policies to ASC across KSS
- Organisation
King’s College London
- Department
Health and Social Care Workforce Research Unit
- Project
The role of adult social care for parents with learning disabilities when a child is no longer in their care
- Organisation
York Consulting (for Skills for Care)
- Project
Evaluation of the Workforce Development Fund
- Organisation
University of Hertfordshire
- Department
Centre for Research in Public Health and Primary Care
- Project
DACHA Study – Developing resources and minimum data set for care homes’ adoption
- Organisation
University of Hertfordshire
- Department
Centre for Research in Public Health and Primary Care
- Project
Social Care in Practice Teams (SCRiPT) study
- Organisation
University of Hertfordshire
- Department
Centre for Research in Public Health and Primary Care
- Project
Digital Technologies to support social wellbeing of community dwelling adults in receipt of social care and their carers (DiSoW)
- Organisation
University of Birmingham
- Department
Institute of Applied Health Research
- Project
Capital depletion and transition out of self-funded care
- Organisation
Sheffield Hallam University
- Department
Department of Psychology, Sociology and Politics
- Project
To identify the social care provision that exists for people with dementia who live on their own and do not have someone to help them access services or act as a point of contact, looking at how the service works and the wider service system.
- Organisation
University of Bristol
- Department
School for Policy Studies
- Project
Social work interactions with parents with Learning Disabilities
- Organisation
SCIE for Skills for Care
- Project
The use of, arrangements and support for, the self-employed personal assistant workforce for care and support (direct payments for health or adult social care, and self-funders)
- Organisation
University of Sussex
- Project
Professional perspectives on self-neglect and how can this inform more coordinated, person-centred and effective input?
- Organisation
York Consulting for Skills for Care
- Project
Research into the barriers to, and opportunities for, local authority social worker degree apprenticeships