Reports & briefings

Reports & briefings / Surveys

ADASS Autumn Survey 2024

Our annual survey of Directors of Adult Social Services, essential reading for anyone interested in the challenges facing adult social care and implications for the NHS.
Reports & briefings

Adult Social Care: Early Priorities for a New Government

This paper sets out short-term, practical steps that we believe the Government could take in the current financial context to create the conditions for adult social care to thrive.
Reports & briefings

General election asks

When the 2024 General Election was called, we wanted to send a clear message to all political parties and decision makers about what needs to change so that adult social care can better enable people to live their best lives.
A group of three adults, sat together at home. An older man and young male carer are sat alongside each other on a sofa, both smiling.
Reports & briefings

The Economic Value of Social Care in the North East

A report commissioned by North East ADASS, produced by Impact Change Solutions, analysing the economic value of social care in the North East of England 2022.
Reports & briefings

Time to act: a roadmap to reform care and support in England

Time to act: a roadmap to reform care and support in England proposes how care and support could be transformed in England, focusing on 10 key areas for change.
Reports & briefings

ADASS/IMPOWER: The Age of Intermediate Care

A joint report by ADASS and IMPOWER on intermediate care services
Reports & briefings / Surveys

ADASS Autumn Survey 2022

The findings of this report cover financial and market sustainability, homecare hours, the number of people waiting for assessments, care and support or a direct payment to begin, or for a review of their care plan, workforce sufficiency and the impact of the cost of living.